AssalamuAlaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. Allah is the Greatest and all praise goes to Allah. All Glory to Allah, morning and evening. Allah is our Lord, Lord of the Angels, and Jinns. He is our Creator, Sustainer and Master of the Day of Judgment. His grace and blessings be upon Hz. Muhammad Mustafa SAW and his perfect follower and Khalifatullah Hz. Imamuna Mahdi-e-Mauud Jaunpuri AS.
Alhamdulillah! On this great and auspicious day of celebration of Milad-un-Nabi SAWS, it is our honor and privilege to launch our Web Site as a symbol of our unity and identity as Mahdavis in the great state of California. Through the web site we hope to make available valuable information for promoting, strengthening, and learning our faith. It will be a great resource for religious, cultural, and social education and information.
We encourage everyone to log on to our web site regularly to get information about our current and planned activities. Please send your comments, suggestions, feedback and questions using the contact form on our contact page. Jazakh Allahu Khairan.